Danny Lopez is ready to serve House District 39.
Danny’s record of proven leadership is the experience Indiana needs in the Statehouse. Our state is a national leader thanks to record investments in education, sensible tax policies, and a commitment to strategic economic development, but we face challenges that jeopardize the very things that make Hoosier communities like Hamilton County among the country’s most attractive places to live and work. We need leaders who can meet these challenges head-on from Day One, and Danny is ready to deliver for District 39. Join our cause and, together, let’s ensure our communities keep the strong, bold, and practical leadership we deserve!

Danny on the Issues
Indiana’s proud tradition of military service is a big part of our state identity. We must ensure we are supporting those who have risked their lives in defense of our freedom, and we must take steps to empower the professionals in Hamilton County who care for them. Learn more.
More than ever before, Hoosier parents are demanding greater transparency, accountability, and options from their children’s schools. This is an important development, because parents, schools and teachers, and community are all critical partners if we are going to ensure our kids are effectively learning. By expanding educational options, strengthening public schools, and making sure teachers have every resource they need to succeed, we can drive the literacy rates and educational outcomes for our children higher. Learn more.
Safe neighborhoods are the hallmark of a healthy community, and Hamilton County has long been a leader when it comes to keeping families safe. That’s a big part of what has made our county perfect for raising a family, but our law enforcement and public safety officers are finding it harder and harder to protect us. Rising violent crime and rampant drugs are no longer just big city issues. We must support our police and fire officers and first responders as they risk their lives to keep our communities safe. Learn more.
Sound policy and smart investments have helped Hamilton County become a national model for high quality of life. We have excelled in attracting high-demand jobs and the very best talent, driving nearly all of the population growth Indiana has experienced over the last decade. Policies that focus on keeping our communities welcoming and vibrant, preserve our low-tax environment, and invest in our future will ensure we maintain our competitive advantage – not just here in Indiana, but across the nation. Learn more.
Mental health and drug abuse issues have become some of the most challenging public health problems facing Hoosiers, particularly our children. While not a new issue, more and more we see the effects of this epidemic playing out in our schools, in our neighborhoods, and in our homes. Parents, teachers, and public safety officers are on the front lines and must have the tools and information necessary to grapple with this immense challenge. Learn more.